portelo.co Where Business Meets Great Creative
PACIFIC Magazine

PACIFIC Magazine

PACIFIC, a San Diego Magazine focused on the local scene for millennial's was looking to create an event-centric digital experience across all platforms.  Teaming up with MiresBall a boutique agency out of San Diego together they built a very modern design leveraging a significant number of aspiring photo's.

Connecting with San Diego millennial's can be a difficult task due to the number of digital experiences competing for their time.  Narrowing their focus of being the events and nightlife hub was a smart strategy to connect to their target audience.  The blend of San Diego feel with Pacific's logo and an up and coming urban design feel has set the bar for San Diego's digital experience.  

Pacific and MiresBall
Mobile app san diego

Overall Creative Score 9.5

MiresBall's estimated rate $125-$175, Average Deal $25,000



