portelo.co Where Business Meets Great Creative
Rip Curl

Rip Curl

Every Surfer wants a board that is responsive to the waves.  Responsiveness isn’t just essential for ensuring a great ride, it’s also essential for ensuring a great shopping experience. Rip Curl was looking to elevate their shopping experience by ensuring that no matter the device your shopping experience looks and performs perfectly.

Rip Curl paddled over to the San Diego digs of Cuker to overhaul their eCommerce experience.  Cuker started by upgrading the CMS and eCommerce platform, optimized the design to the perfect balance of lifestyle and product content, images, and streamlined purchase path to improve customer abandonment.

The final experience was the perfect blend of platform innovation, UX, and web design that has Rip Curl perfectly placed for their wave of customers.  

Overall Quality Score 9.78

Cuker's Estimated Rate $130 - $230 hr, Average $40,000



